Later I practiced use of the telescope's clock-driven right-ascension (R.A.) clock and indicator. With some effort I was able to find the beautiful galactic pair M81 & M82 in the northern sky; that was the first time I'd been able to find those galaxies with the big scope! The view wasn't so good as the slightly hazy sky was lit up, even that far north, by that old devil Moon, but the success boosted my confidence. I should now be able to more easily find charted objects... I still must master aiming in declination to really locate things! In all, a good night.
Photo: The waxing gibbous Moon as photographed through the eyepiece of the 9-inch Warner and Swasey telescope (ca. 1900) of Stephens Memorial Observatory. Color removed in Photoshop. Fuji FinePix S7000: ISO 400, 1/290 sec., f/5.6. Photo by James Guilford, June 14, 2008.