Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Comet seen and lost

Comet McNaught (C/2006 P1) has been thrilling skywatchers around the world for several days now. Discovered in August 2006, it continues to brighten as it approaches the Sun and it is now reported to be the brightest comet seen in 30 years. Our wonderful Northeastern Ohio cloud cover had hidden the view from us. Well, I saw it tonight! Briefly, thanks to the clouds clearing (mostly) around sunset. I went to the roof of the library (where I work) during my dinner hour taking along my camera and tripod. It was a beautiful sunset with orange and red colors illuminating jet contrails in the western sky. As the twilight dimmed and Venus sparkled to the southwest, I spotted Comet McNaught glowing a ghostly white between the orange jet trails. It was bright, even at about 5:30 when I first sighted it. Still, as the night fell so did the comet. Already low in the sky, McNaught sank behind the trees far to the west of the building before it really became photogenic, having been visible to me for only 10 minutes or so. Still, I saw it with and without the telephoto lens: my first comet of the year! So, with freezing (20 - 30 degrees F.) metal tripod in hand, I headed back into the building and back to work.

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