Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Chilly glimpse of Comet Holmes

It was cold (about 30 degrees) and breezy at about 9:30 PM when I went outdoors to check on Comet Holmes. The weather lately has not been hospitable to observing what with clouds, rain, and even a bit of snow. Tonight the sky was briefly very clear overhead in North Royalton. Aiming into Perseus with my binoculars I fished about only briefly before spotting the cometary cloud. It has grown even larger than it was but has faded dramatically. Even with our "clear" skies light pollution and the dimness of the object made it impossible to see without the binoculars. Predicted weather for the next few days call for mostly cloudy with rain and snow so this glimpse at the sky is apparently about all I'll be seeing for a while.

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