Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Sidewalk astronomy at the library
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Big open night for the Moon
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Brilliant ISS passage
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Jupiter, Andromeda, and the Space Station
Monday, September 1, 2008
Cincinnati: Old Glass

The telescope's optical tube is constructed of wood. The drive system is electrical having been converted from spring-powered some time ago. A modern Meade diagonal and eyepiece are used but the objective lens is original to the telescope. Photo by James Guilford.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Fantastic open night
Sunday, July 27, 2008
2008 CAA Convention; glimpse of Jupiter

Case Western Reserve University's Department of Astronomy Chair Heather Morrison was keynote speaker. She delivered a talk on current research and exciting new results coming from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey; it was entitled "The Four-Dimensional Galaxy and the Square Telescope." {The Sloan instrument is a reflector design housed inside a square wind baffle making it appear to be a square telescope.}
The ever-popular raffle took place after dinner. Prizes ranged from shirts and gift certificates to software and an Orion Aristocrat Executive desktop telescope {pictured below}. I won the brass telescope! Though intended mainly as a desk piece, it's actually very nice! I hope to try it out tonight on Jupiter. I'm happy to have won the grand prize though the Vixen eyepieces were awfully nice.....
Many individuals brought telescopes with them, "just in case," but only a couple were actually assembled in the field. One belonged to CAA member Bob Wiersma whose mammoth long-tube 8-inch refractor {pictured above} impresses everyone who sees it.

Clouds soon filled in most of the holes and many attendees went home. It was, however, a good night and despite the cloudy skies, most folks left smiling.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
A break in the weather

In all 29 visitors came to the Observatory. The clear sky was a welcome surprise and I was glad I trusted my instincts and made the trip to Hiram; I was going to cancel. The last visitors left at about 11:10 and I, sweating profusely in the warm (~ 80 F) and extremely muggy atmosphere (ground haze and mists, heavy dew on everything), was happy to close the dome and head home in an air conditioned car! By midnight the sky had become 100 percent overcast once more and rain developed overnight ... that part followed the experts' predictions!
Images: The waxing gibbous Moon as seen through the eyepiece of the Cooley Telescope of Stephens Memorial Observatory. Fuji Finepix S7000 digital camera: ISO 400, 1/200 sec., f/4.5, July 12 at about 8:37 PM Eastern Daylight Time. Large image is in color; detail shows color removed. South is up. Photo by James Guilford.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Moon with a view

Later I practiced use of the telescope's clock-driven right-ascension (R.A.) clock and indicator. With some effort I was able to find the beautiful galactic pair M81 & M82 in the northern sky; that was the first time I'd been able to find those galaxies with the big scope! The view wasn't so good as the slightly hazy sky was lit up, even that far north, by that old devil Moon, but the success boosted my confidence. I should now be able to more easily find charted objects... I still must master aiming in declination to really locate things! In all, a good night.
Photo: The waxing gibbous Moon as photographed through the eyepiece of the 9-inch Warner and Swasey telescope (ca. 1900) of Stephens Memorial Observatory. Color removed in Photoshop. Fuji FinePix S7000: ISO 400, 1/290 sec., f/5.6. Photo by James Guilford, June 14, 2008.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Barely an observation
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Bad forecast, a good night
My LXD75 behaved itself this time -- no connection problems between the handbox controller and the mount during setup and not a single blip all night! Polar alignment was off a bit but the GoTo control put me close enough to, with a little fishing, find Saturn. Saturn looked pretty good, even at 133X with a bit of banding and the ring shadow visible on the planetary body. Lower-power views showed several moons. The sky never did get very dark, thanks to the thin clouds, and seeing varied from fair to poor. Again with the GoTo system getting me close, I was able to fish M104 --the Sombrero Galaxy-- from the skyglow. Same with M81 & M82 --Bode's and the Cigar Galaxy-- showing in the same low-power view; not as beautiful as I remembered but pleasing anyway. The Sombrero looked like a long, thin star cluster rather than the appearance of a diffuse cloud we see when we visually observe many others through a small telescope. Mars, now very distant, was a bright dot at low power and a squirmy "star" at high power and definitely not worth looking at. I saw my first Iridium flare --sun reflected off a communications satellite-- and spotted a satellite coasting through my telescope field of view. Several people saw meteors, one seen through a telescope!
In all a good night with friends and a fine shakedown operation after a long, long time away from my own big telescope and it was good not to have electrical problems. Overall, I was especially pleased with how well my telescope performed compared with others' this night! I need to use it more often and under better skies! Dew and chill sent us home at around midnight.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Astronomy Day 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Visited the Cincinnati Observatory Center

While we had free run of the facilities the weekend weather was uncooperative. I was able to catch a fleeting and somewhat fuzzy glimpse of Saturn "Saturn's Day" night through the big Clark and that was about it. It was a surprisingly good view --for literally couple of seconds until the clouds closed back in-- with several moons, some cloud bands (on Saturn) and even the Cassini Division visible! Hanging out with the Observatory's astronomers was fun, though. Casual conversation and hands-on experiences with the equipment made for an enjoyable night despite the ugly sky. I was honored to be allowed to open the dome's shutter for the night, crank up the drive weights (all 350 lbs.), and I was allowed, even requested, to operate the great telescope's slow-motion control. That machine runs great: even a little twist of the hand-operated R.A. knob was enough to smoothly nudge the behemoth instrument a bit to one side to center Saturn in the field of view. I was very disappointed not to have been able to look better and longer through what is plainly a tremendous telescope. I had no chance to observe though the 1843 Merz and Mahler 12-inch scope which has, outside of its scientific work, afforded the public views of the heavens through the entirety of its existence. I must return there one day. Big thank-you to the staff of the Cincinnati Observatory Center!
The coming weekend isn't looking good for this year's Astronomy Day open house and public night at Stephens. Long-range forecast is for mostly cloudy with a chance of rain Saturday, May 10. We shall see. It's that kind of frequent weather that helped drive major observatories out of business in Ohio. Encouraging, however, is what seems to be increasing public interest in the night sky and it is personally gratifying to be involved in that.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Saturn shows but not students
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Not tonight you don't
Monday, April 21, 2008
Clouds, rain, it's springtime in Northeast Ohio
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Saturn Observation Night
We had a good, clear night with decent seeing conditions. While the rings, as viewed at this time, are approaching edge-on, we could make out the gaps between the ring system and the limbs of the planet and careful observers were fortunate to be able to glimpse atmospheric banding. At least four moons were also seen. It's always gratifying just how impressed visitors are when they first see Saturn through a good telescope. I quickly lost track of how many folks exclaimed, "Oh, WOW!" as they peered through the eyepiece. "Just like a picture," was also happily repeated. Everyone from grade-schooler to grandmother was delighted with the view. It was cold in the dome --about 28F degrees-- so once most visitors got a good look, they took off for home. Many happily took home JPL picture sheets showing an excellent planetary portrait taken by the Cassini spacecraft, doubtless to show others what they were fortunate to see with their own eyes.
Most visitors arrived in the first hour, then there was a long period of quiet when only one or two people were in he dome with me. A couple, the man being an amateur astronomer, stayed long enough that we stepped outdoors and, with unaided eyes, spotted The Beehive (M44) star cluster. It looked very fine through my 10x50 binoculars!
Though we were supposed to close at 10 PM, we had a group of late visitors who not only stayed to see Saturn but the Orion Nebula and the rising waning gibbous Moon, as well. Saturn and the Moon are always crowd-pleasers.
Friday, February 22, 2008
A fine lunar eclipse

After a day or two of nail-biting, monitoring forecasts of sky conditions, the Clear Sky Clock tipped the scales for me... Wednesday night's sky would be clear and we would be able to see the Feb. 20 total lunar eclipse.
I packed up only one extra eyepiece --the great antique scope has a wonderful low-power ocular that presents the entire lunar disk-- and bundled myself up. It was a c-o-l-d night!
As the eclipse was getting underway a freshly-cleared sky began to cloud up. A thin layer of cloudiness obscured all detail from the Moon just as Earth's shadow was taking a good chunk out. And a little snow fell through the dome slit! Gad! Just as I was beginning to give up hope, however, the sky quickly cleared and we had good seeing for the rest of the night!
The view of the Moon through the 9-inch refractor was typically spectacular. Even the full Moon looks great through that scope with its fist-sized eyepiece. During the partial phase of the eclipse, however, there was a time when the lunar limb was relatively bright, the central portion of the disk was bluish, and the dark shadowed region took on a reddish hue. Quite beautiful. During totality the Moon took on a pale coppery color; it was not a particularly colorful eclipse. Impressive and beautiful, nonetheless. Saturn, near opposition, was also near the eclipsed Moon (the bright "star" to the left of the shining Moon in the photo above) so during the hour-long totality I swung the telescope over to give visitors a look at the ringed world. Even at low power --Saturn quite small in the field of view-- visitors were excited to see it. At about 100X the excitement grew. Seeing was only a little better than fair for while we could make out the gap between the inner rings and the planetary body, no shadow could be seen and no detail within the ring plane. Two or three moons were visible. I'm hoping for better conditions for Saturday's Saturn Observation Night. As totality was ending I swung the scope back to the Moon to watch bright light begin its progress across the disk.
In all more than 44 visitors came into the observatory -- there were probably more but people were coming in to look through the telescope and going out to enjoy the sky with their own eyes ... they were getting into the event!
The last visitors left at around 11 PM and I was finally free to try some photos. A little too late, however, to get the shot I wanted... looking at the Moon along the telescope and through the dome. The Moon had already brightened to the point that I couldn't balance the exposure. It's a nice photo anyway and I'll use it for some things, it's just not the picture I had imagined. It was getting late and my feet and hands were getting cold --it was 18 degrees F. in the dome-- so I closed up and went home.
A fine lunar eclipse.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Astro Webcam test

I did my first test imaging with the rig Saturday night (Feb. 16) with the Moon at waxing gibbous phase. The image shown here (test image #5) was made with at 7:22 PM using my Toshiba notebook computer and Microsoft Vista, CoffeeCup Software's Webcam 4.0, the ToUcam and 250mm telephoto lens . The camera setup was attached to a simple fixed photographic tripod. Looks good! Not quite as sharp as I remember the Meade images, but not bad for a first try! Excellent color and detail. Mount this rig to a telescope with a clock drive and we'll have something!
In late 2004 I began doing some digital imagery, first using the Philips Web cam and my 1,000mm Meade 390 refractor. I was very pleased with the results. I even used the setup to webcast the total lunar eclipse Oct. 27 - 28, 2004 from the roof of Westlake (Ohio) Porter Public Library! My only disappointment was not being able to show the entire lunar disc -- the small size of the CCD chip made for magnified views of the Moon and I was unable to test and correct the setup before eclipse night. It was fun, however, and people enjoyed it (from as far away as Texas), and mine was one of the few "live" transmissions on the Web! Now, with shorter focal lengths and excellent optics, I can image the entire face of the Moon or, with proper filtration, the Sun.

I'll need to do more testing: For one thing, the CoffeeCup Webcam software, though it does have some excellent features, doesn't seem to allow control of camera exposure and the image preview was inaccurate.
Unfortunately the weather doesn't look promising for the Feb. 20 total lunar eclipse and my observatory lacks high-speed Internet connectivity. I may, however, take that fancy new notebook in and see if I can reach my dialup connection toll-free --doubtful-- and if I can, that would open some new possibilities!.