Sunday, April 27, 2008

Saturn shows but not students

Tonight (Saturday) I had the observatory open from 9 to 11:00 PM at the behest of the student environmental group at Hiram College. This open night was to be a part of their Earth Day activities. Unfortunately --or not-- this was also the college Springfest and the poor old observatory was up against a pop music concert, an orientation day, and other activities. We had only two visitors --a student couple-- at Stephens the whole time. Gave them a look at Saturn with moons Titan, Rhea, and Dione visible and told them about the observatory, telescope, etc. Sky conditions were clear but seeing was generally not very good with high-altitude water vapor preventing the sky from being very black. I couldn't find dim objects, not even M44 (The Beehive star cluster) but Saturn looked surprisingly good; the shadow of the ring system could be seen on the planetary body. Maybe a hint, now and again, at cloud banding on the planet. I took a look at Mars but between seeing preventing high-power views and Mars receding and becoming quite small, it was not very interesting. That was about it for observing! A bat had moved back into the dome and/or shutter as had a nest-building bird or two. And one of the shutter closing ropes snapped when I slammed it shut for the night! It looks like this one will be an easy fix but I fear future breaks will be higher and harder to repair.

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